Sunday, March 13, 2022

Cousin Brucie and Phone Calls - I Enjoy the Show but I Don't Call Him


Last night I heard friends Cara from Floral Park and Jerry from Woodhaven call into Cousin Brucie's Saturday night show to make a request.  Jerry calls in every week.  I never phone Cousin Brucie or any other radio personality.  I guess persistence is the key to getting through to any radio host.  One caller said she had to wait for 2 1/2 hours before she got on the air with the Cuz.

I never listen to political talk shows, so obviously I don't phone the host.  I do listen to sports talk on WFAN and ESPN New York but never call.  There are some segments when the host fields calls, but likely the caller is limited to one minute on the line.  I just don't have the patience to wait.

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