Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Random Thoughts of the Day


The MTA is in the process of redesigning bus routes in Queens. They are asking for feedback from riders.  Since I only ride buses and subways once a week on average, I am not particularly concerned about changes.

The local Stop n Shop had very little Passover food. That makes sense as the Jewish population in my neighborhood has diminished. Yesterday I took a ride to Aron's Kissena Farms in South Flushing which is a Kosher supermarket. I bought all the Passover food that I'll need. When I go to that store, I remember an old friend from the early 1970s named Alan Aron.  Maybe he will Google himself and find this journal entry.  My friendship with him ended on a sour note in 1974.

It is hard to believe that 2022 is 25% over.  Time flies.

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