Sunday, March 6, 2022

The Allen Ginsberg Bob Dylan Connection


For years I was curious about Allen Ginsberg but didn't know much about him.  I knew he was a beat poet with works including Howl and Kaddish.  I took time to read the biography seen above which was over 650 pages.  The author, Bill Morgan, is to be commended for his extensive research.  This work did not at all critique his poetry.

Ginsberg did extensive traveling throughout his life giving poetry readings all over the world.  The book did have some references to his friendship with Bob Dylan.  Ginsberg had from row seats at one of Dylan's concerts in England in 1965.  There was a scene from the movie Reynaldo and Clara where Ginsberg and Dylan visit Jack Kerouac's grave in Lowell, Massachusetts.

My favorite scene of Dylan and Ginsberg together was the appearance in the video of Subterranean Homesick Blues that was at the beginning of the film Don't Look Back.  This was not discussed in the book.

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