Sunday, April 10, 2022

Why is My Subconscious Punishing Me?


I often remember dreams that I have if they occur shortly before my normal wake-up time.  Last night I dreamt about returning to my former employer and weeding books from the library collection.  On my way home I encountered a bad delay on New Jersey Transit.  Why do I have to experience this again?

When I awake, I should be grateful that I no longer have to go to work or ride on New Jersey Transit. I have documented many bad commutes in this journal over the years.  I had a companion blog where I documented transit delays over the years.

I just never had the desire to visit my former employer.  Several of my former colleagues either retired or moved to other jobs in the 4+ years since I retired.  I don't have bitter feelings toward the university or any individuals.  I just feel I should move on and let go of the past.

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