Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Random Thoughts at the End of August


  • It was 42 years ago today that I met Karen for the first time.  She was a blind date set up by our former sister-in-law.  We went to an ice show at the Nassau Coliseum.  The rest is history.  I sorely miss her.  May she rest in peace.
  • I question how much the American Public is interested in the British Royal Family.  It seems that several times a week The Today Show does a story about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
  • It was impossible for the New York Mets to invite 1100+ former players to Old Timers Day.  There had to be some discretionary decisions on whom to invite.  Inevitably some invitees had health issues or previous commitments and couldn't attend.  The retirement of Willie Mays' #24 was overdue.  It should have been done in 1979 when Willie was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame.

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