Thursday, December 29, 2022

Ray LaLonde - Jeopardy's Latest Superstar


I consider anyone who has won at least 10 Jeopardy games a superstar as Ray Lalonde reached that milestone by winning on last night's show.  He now ranks #14 in the list of highest-money winners in regular season games, not including tournaments.  Here are his statistics according to The Jeopardy Fan:

261 correct, 30 incorrect

20/23 on rebound attempts (on 36 rebound opportunities)

42.63% in first on buzzer (243/570)

15/15 on Daily Doubles (Net Earned: $44,100)

8/10 in Final Jeopardy

He is a scenic artist from Ontario, Canada who has a penchant for swaying back and forth which annoyed some viewers. There is a report that he suffered some spinal cord damage over a period of years and had to work hard to prevent muscle spasms in his legs while he was on camera.

Nobody knows how many more games he will win.  A big milestone for him would be to become the winningest Canadian by beating the record of 23 victories by Matea Roche.

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