Sunday, December 11, 2022

The Only Thing to Fear is Fear Itself


It is well-documented that crime in the New York City subway system is up.  It is most frightening to hear about random attacks. A few weeks ago, when we held the annual Oldies Meet and Greet a few women told me they were afraid to take public transportation to Manhattan.  There are steps taken to thwart crime as I have observed more police on the trains and platforms.

A famous quote from President Franklin Roosevelt is "The only thing to fear is fear itself."  I go about my business, as usual, not letting the increase in crime prevent me from pursuing activities that I enjoy. I just don't listen to music or read while I am riding the subway as I must always keep my eyes and ear open.  For example, yesterday I observed a suspicious-looking man on the platform at 8th Avenue and 14th Street.  I just walked away.  I will never confront anyone on the subway.  I documented numerous delays that I encountered on public transportation, but thankfully I have never been a victim of a crime.

I wrote this blog entry from a suggestion by Gregory Wolf, Dennis and Jean Bauman Professor in the Humanities; Professor of German; Director of Undergraduate Research and Prestigious Fellowships at North Central College in Illinois.  He is also a distinguished historian of baseball as he publishes extensively for the Society of American Baseball Research (SABR)

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