Sunday, January 22, 2023

I Waited for 3 1/2 Hours but I Finally Spoke to Cousin Brucie Last Night

Yours truly with Cousin Bruce at the WABC Cruise in June 2007

I very rarely phone radio stations as I don’t have the patience to stay on hold for long periods.  I tried to phone Cousin Brucie a few times when he was on SiriusXM, but I got busy signals. When he moved to WABC, his listenership increased as anyone with an internet connection can hear the show, so I presumed it would be more difficult to get through.  When I listen to his show, I hear many regular callers.  To be fair, he should limit callers to once a month, but some people must talk to him every week.  I sensed that one must call very early in the show to get through.  I usually eat dinner at 6 PM, when the show begins, and usually finish the dishes by 6:40, so I never tried to get through.  Last night we ate dinner out and returned home at 5:30. At 6:10 I phoned in and reached the screener.  I requested him to play Turn Turn Turn by the Byrds since David Crosby passed away a few days ago.  I waited and waited and at 7:30 he featured a special on Crosby and played that song.  I kept waiting and heard Brenda, a Facebook friend talk to the Cuz.  I had a chat with her and she said she only had to wait 25 minutes.  I was somewhat annoyed at that point since I thought to be fair caller should be heard on a first come first served basis.  Anyway, at 9:30 the screener came on and said the Cuz would take my call but didn’t want to play anything by the Byrds again.  He suggested Mickey’s Monkey by Smokey Robinson and the Miracles.  I spoke to the Cuz about the Facebook page that I set up as a fan site.  I also discussed the Oldies Meet and Greet that we have held over the years.  He actually said he would like to come but was afraid to be in an enclosed area because of the COVID situation.  I had to wait 3 ½ hours, but it was worth it.


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