Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Another Attempt to Stay Connected to Former Colleagues

In previous entries, in this journal, I reported my frustration with my inability to stay connected with my former colleagues at an engineering college in Newark.  About a month ago I encountered Jane at a Zoom Meeting of radio station WBGO listeners.  We exchanged emails and discussed this issue.  She was successful in staying in touch with several people from her area who retired.

We decided to meet at another Zoom Meeting to discuss a strategy to do this on a more significant level.  We decided to have a Google group not affiliated with the university to share news, our activities in retirement, and gatherings for social purposes.  The challenge is in recruiting other retirees.  Some have retired with bitterness and would not be interested in reconnecting.  Others may just want to move on and let go.  We'll see what will happen.


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