Saturday, March 4, 2023

Random Thoughts of the Day

Now that the Murdaugh trial and the sentencing are over, what story will the media blow out of proportion to get everybody's attention?

Finally, the media or at least one outlet is reporting some good news.  NY1 anchor Ruschell Boone is returning to the airwaves after a successful 9-month fight against pancreatic cancer.  Back in the 1990s I lost my dad and uncle to this dreaded disease.

I am looking forward to my baseball trip to Florida at the end of March to see the Mets on the road in Miami.  This will be our fifth trip with the Jay Buckley Baseball Tour.

There will be another Bob Dylan conference later this spring in Tulsa.  This time I will take a pass on it.  I guess I should take it easy on Dylan for a while.


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