Thursday, March 9, 2023

Thoughts on Ending Friendships


An article on the Today Show website prompted me to write this journal entry as I recall how some friendships ended over the years.  Some were abrupt while others were gradual.

The silliest reason came in 2009 when DD who lives near Chicago ended our friendship over a difference of opinion over a radio show and its host.  He wasn't a real friend since I never met him as we exchanged phone calls and emails over a few years.

I was a good friend of AA from 1970-74.  I was even best man at his wedding in 1973.  After that point, he looked down upon me since I was still single and not even dating anyone.  In late 1974 during a phone call he said, "duh when you get a girl, I'll be sure to come down there."  We never saw each other after that time.

I was a good friend of JB from 1975-78.  During the summer of 1978, he trashed me over the phone saying that I was turning into a deadbeat because I was unemployed.  I was living in CT, while he was living in NJ.  In a letter to him, I defended myself by saying that I was trying very hard to find a new job.  He sent a "Dear John" letter to me saying that the good chemistry between us was no longer there and we should "move on" from each other.  I was very upset as he kicked me when I was down. 

In most cases, friendships end gradually as paths diverge as seen in the picture above.  People are friends when they are in school together or at the same job.  When one leaves, the friendship usually ends eventually.  Sometime people reconnect via social media, but it is just not the same.

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