Friday, April 21, 2023

Another Birthday - Where Did All These Years Go?


The days turn into weeks, the weeks into months, and the months into years.  When I was born Harry S. Truman was the president.  Joe Biden is the thirteenth president of my lifetime.  It is hard to believe that it is 2+ years since Karen passed away and 5+ years since I retired.  I have an excellent autobiographical memory and often relive some of my good and bad experiences in my mind.

I sincerely appreciate all the birthday wishes that I receive on Facebook.  As of 9:15 AM, there are about fifty, but certainly, more will come later.

Pete Freckelton of Canada who runs a Bob Dylan internet radio station sends me the most imaginative birthday wishes.  A few years ago, he sent me a video of Mr. Met singing Happy Birthday.  Below is what he sent me this photo.

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