Monday, May 29, 2023

Four Terrific Female Bob Dylan Fans

In no particular order:

  • Nancy Cobb - I had the pleasure of meeting her at a luncheon during Bob Dylan's residency at the Beacon Theater in November 2019.  She visited Duluth during Dylan's birthday celebration and from there visited Hibbing.  She is now on her way to Tulsa for the World of Bob Dylan 2023.
  • SueMyAss - that is her Twitter handle.  I don't know her real name.  She is planning to go to every Dylan concert in June in Portugal, Spain, France and Italy
  • Laura Tenschert- She has a podcast called Definitely Dylan and has spoken at several conferences.  She posts regularly on Instagram and Twitter about her favorite singer-songwriter
  • Anne Margaret Daniel  - a professor at the New School for Social Research in NYC.  She teaches a course about Dylan there and has spoken at academic conferences about him.


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