Saturday, June 10, 2023

NYC Casey Stengel Chapter of SABR Meeting in Midtown Manhattan


Sadly, the COVID pandemic prevented the Casey Stengel Chapter of the Society for American Baseball Research from holding in-person since January 2020.  Today the group met at Scandinavia House on Park Avenue between 37th and 38th Street.

The first-panel session discussed New York Baseball at its Best with Marty Appel, a prolific baseball writer, and former executive with the New York Yankees, Tony Guida, veteran TV journalist for CBS, NBC, and CNN, and Anthony McCarron, a sportswriter for the Daily News who previously worked at Newsday and the Miami Herald.  The three discussed topics including:
  • Controversy over whether Pete Rose should get into the Hall of Fame
  • The Yankees are just not the same without Aaron Judge
  • What salary will Otani get in 2024 and beyond?  They thought he would command a package with at least $500 million.
  • The new rules in baseball.
The next speaker was Bradford William Davis who discussed investigative reporting in baseball.  He reported in 2021 MLB was using two different baseballs but kept it quiet.

Erik Sherman described the impact of Fernando Valenzuela on baseball in Los Angeles.  Before he came to the team in 1981, very few Mexican Americans attended Dodger games. When he pitched, Dodger Stadium was mobbed with his fellow countrymen.  He discussed Game 3 of the 1981 World Series when Valenzuela faced Yankee rookie Dave Righetti. The Dodgers won that game and took the World Series 4-2.

The day concluded with Erik Weiss's trivia contest.

Hopefully, the chapter will meet more regularly in the future.

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