Thursday, June 1, 2023

The World of Bob Dylan 2023 Starts Today in Tulsa but I'm Not There


This conference will undoubtedly offer an excellent exchange of interpretations of Bob Dylan's works over the last 60 years.  I attended the first conference in 2019 which was in person and the 2021 virtual version.  Last year I traveled to Tulsa to see the Bob Dylan Center.

I decided to take a pass at this year's conference.  I enjoyed the 2019 meeting, but I felt it was too academic for me.  I regard myself as an avid fan, but not a scholar.  There will be many reports on social media of what transpires there.  Several of my Dylan friends including Sal, Danny, and Phil will be there and will discuss it at our next Google Meeting.

I expect that several years from now I will return to Tulsa to see the Bob Dylan Center again as museums change with time.

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