Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Random Thoughts of the Day


  • I am tired of reading articles in The Athletic and other online publications speculating on trades that will be made before the MLB trading deadline on August 1. If the Mets trade anyone, the new team should pick up the entire salary of the traded player.  Steve Cohen is paying most of the salaries of Edgardo Escobar and James McCann whom they traded.
  • I still have crazy dreams about libraries.  I had two last night:
    • I was applying for a part-time kob at St.John's University where I worked from 1990-92.  Since I have a good pension, I don't need a part-time job.
    • I returned to the NYPL Research Library where I worked from 1983-90.  I encountered two authors of books about Bob Dylan.
  • I make donations to several charities regularly.  I constantly receive emails and snail mail from these organizations asking for more donations.  This just adds to their overhead.

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