Sunday, October 15, 2023

18th Anniversary of Bruce's Journal Today


On October 15, 2005, I wrote my first entry in this journal.  18 years and 4823 entries later I am still at it.  Here are some statistics:
  • 268 entries per year
  • 22 entries per month
  • 5 entries per week
Major Topics I have covered include
  • New York Mets
  • Other Baseball
  • Bob Dylan
  • Oldies Music
  • Radio
  • Random Thoughts
  • Jeopardy
  • Biography
I usually avoid politics.  I have my opinions, but I rarely write about them here.

There have been 1,400,000 page views, but I don't know how many of them are robots.  I rarely know who reads my entries.  Some people comment when I post my entries on Facebook.

Thanks to all those who have read my journal.

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