Thursday, October 26, 2023

Mixing Up the Medicine is the Ultimate Bob Dylan Book


In February 2021 in this journal, I commented on how many Bob Dylan books are enough?  In the 2 1/2 years since then, there have been several books about Dylan published.  This week Mixing Up the Medicine described as the most comprehensive book published about Dylan's works was published. The title was taken from Subterranean Homesick Blues released in 1965 on the album Bringing it All Back Home.

The book is unique since it unlocks treasures from the Archive of the Bob Dylan Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  It includes over 1,100 images curated from still and moving images held in the Archive.  There are thirty original essays written by distinguished scholars.

I just started reading the book last night, so I can not critique it.  Ironically, I was listening to a podcast on Definitely Dylan about the book late yesterday afternoon when I received my delivery from Amazon.  Dylan scholar Laura Tenschert was interviewing Mark Davidson and Parker Fishel who wrote and edited the book.

As the book is 600 pages, it will likely take me a long time to finish it.  It is now 1:30 PM and the outside temperature is 73 degrees which is quite warm for NYC in late October.  I will finish this journal entry, close my computer and schlep the book downstairs to a convenient park bench.

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