Tuesday, October 10, 2023

The Oldies Meeting and Greet will Transition to a Zoom Meeting

The late Randy Safuto (Randy and the Rainbows)
at the 2017 Oldies Meet and Greet

There have been yearly oldies meet and greets held in Manhattan since 2006. The event was an outgrowth of our outrage over the terrible format change at WCBS-FM in June 2005. Almost all of the events were held at Ben’s Deli on West 38th Street. Over the years we have had several radio personalities and singers of some of our favorite oldies as guests. Early this year the Manhattan Bens Deli was sold and is now known at Mr. Broadway. They are asking $44 for a sandwich, fries, and soft drink which is significantly higher than what we paid in the past.

In previous years, up to 80 people attended the event. In November 2022 only 25 came. There were two reasons for the big drop-off:
1. During the two-year gap caused by the pandemic many lost interest
2. Women were afraid to travel to Manhattan by public transportation.

We feel that the higher price would deter many from attending this year and in the future. We investigated other venues in Manhattan that were even more expensive. We have decided to hold future meetings virtually through Zoom. We have some ideas for a theme, but nothing has been finalized. However, we need someone to let us use the account for this event. If you can help us out, please let us know.

We thank all who have attended one or several past events.

Bruce Slutsky (BruceS8852@aol.com)
Jeff Scheckner (JmandJs@aol.com_


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