Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Today's Visit to the Center for Jewish History

 The Center for Jewish History describes itself as the largest and most comprehensive archive of the modern Jewish experience outside of Israel.  This was the first time I visited their facility at 15 West 16th Street in Manhattan.  It is more scholarly than the Jewish Museum which I have visited several times.  I came specifically to see the exhibit JEWCE.

I found out about this exhibit from a report on NY1 by Roger Clark.  I also found out that fellow Bob Dylan enthusiast Danny Fingeroth was a contributing curator. The dynamic exhibition brings together an impressive collection of original artworks, historical artifacts, and interactive installations celebrating the rich tapestry of Jewish narratives depicted through the lens of comics and graphic storytelling.

Superman took care of Hitler and Mussolini in World War II

I spent some time perusing the other sections of the museum.  There was also a research library there, but I did not go in.  I think have visited enough libraries in my dreams recently.😁


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