Saturday, November 11, 2023

Danny Fingeroth - Facebook Friend of the Day

This is the first time in years that I have honored a Facebook friend of the day.  I met Danny in the online Bob Dylan discussion group that meets monthly.  He presented at the Bob Dylan Symposium in Tulsa on a panel exploring Dylan's connection to comics.  Danny is best known for his expertise in comics as he has written several books about comics including a biography of Stan Lee.  He is a co-curator of an exhibit at the Center for Jewish History that I visited last month.

Right now, I am listening to an interview on Pod Dylan where he is talking about his forthcoming biography of Jack Ruby who murdered Lee Harvey Oswald, JFK's assassin.

I just ordered the book from  I watched the murder of Oswald on TV back on November 24, 1963.  Most people today were not living at the time of the JFK assassination.  Danny says he interviewed Ruby's rabbi and a few of his nieces and nephews.  In the podcast, Danny also discusses Dylan's song Murder Most Foul.


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