Friday, November 17, 2023

I Admire these People who are Bigger Dylan Enthusiasts than I Am


I am obviously a big fan of Bob Dylan, but I have encountered people who are even bigger devotees of the man from Hibbing, Minnesota.  I will list some here that don’t include scholars such as Greil Marcus and Clinton Heylin.  I apologize if I omitted anyone.

Laura Tenschert – among others, she made a trip from England to the United States to see Dylan three times in New York City.  She has a podcast called Definitely Dylan and brings a feminist perspective to the analyses of Dylan’s works.  I had the pleasure of meeting her at the World of Dylan Conference in Tulsa in 2019.

Rebecca Slaman – she is a young Dylan fan whom I sense has become a protégé of Laura.  She has become a Dylanolgist in a short period and has presented at conferences in Miami and Tulsa.  She was interviewed on many podcasts about Dylan.

Erin Callahan – I had the pleasure of meeting her at the 2019 Tulsa conference. She is a Professor of English at San Jacinto College.  She edited a very recent book titled ThePolitics and Power of Bob Dylan’s Live Performances.  She has appeared on several Dylan podcasts.

Danny Fingeroth – he has appeared at several of my Dylan online chats, but I still have not met him in person.  He is best known as a comic book writer and editor.  He also spoke at the 2023 Dylan Tulsa conference.  He made a trip to Hibbing, Minnesota.  He wrote a biographyof Jack Ruby that will be published shortly.

Harold Lepidus – his LinkedIn entry describes him as a music archivist, historian, retail buyer, journalist, columnist, foreign correspondent and web designer.  He is the author of Friends and Other Strangers: Bob Dylan Examined.  He also hosts the Boston Harald podcast.  He also offers short courses on Dylan.

Anne Margaret Daniel – is a writer and editor at The New School and Bard College.  She teaches a course on Bob Dylan.

Henry Bernstein – I met him by accident at the Bob Dylan Center in Tulsa in July 2022.  He was wearing a t-shirt This is What a Bob Dylan Fan Looks Like that was offered by Laura Tenschert.  He made a special trip from Chicago to Tulsa to see the center.  He also traveled from Tulsa to NYC to see Dylan in concert.  He is also a big fan of the Chicago White Sox.

Ray Padgett – is the author of Pledging My Time: Conversations with Band Members.

Michael from Austria uses the Twitter handle False_Prophet44.  I enjoy his Tweets.  I guess I should call them Xs. 

I sincerely apologize for anyone I have omitted who is a more devoted Dylan fan than me.  There is only so much time in a day to write journal entries.

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