Sunday, November 5, 2023

Mazel Tov to Al Kooper on His Induction into the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame


I have followed Al Kooper's career since 1965 when he led the Blues Project some people called the Jewish Beatles.  After that he founded Blood, Sweat, and Tears.  I fondly remember Super Session when he recorded with Stephen Stills and Mike Bloomfield.  He recorded several albums as a solo artist.

I saw him twice in concert:
He played on Bob Dylan's Like a Rolling Stone session in 1965 and appeared with Dylan at the August 1965 at Forest Hill when the folk purists booed him.  He discovered and produced Lynyrd Skynyrd.  Al played on recordings by Jimi Hendrix, George Harrison, Paul Butterfield, BB King, Tom Petty and dozens more.

Here are some websites of interest:
A hearty Mazel Tov to Al

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