Saturday, November 4, 2023

The Gateway Project is Finally Moving Forward


The Gateway Project involves the building of two new railroad tunnels between New York and New Jersey for Amtrak and New Jersey Transit. The two old tunnels are in such poor condition that trains running into and out of the city are often delayed by signal failures and problems with the overhead wires that provide power to their engines.  If you read my companion commuting blog  you know that umpteen times between 1992 and 2017 when I commuted to Newark, I encountered delays.  When one tunnel was down, there would be single tracking when Amtrak trains were given preference over New Jersey Transit trains.

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and the alleged criminal Donald Trump delayed this project for years.  New York Senator Chuck Schumer has lined up over $10 Billion for the project also supported by Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and President Biden.

The project will not be completed until 2035.  It obviously won't do me any good, but future commuters will be spared miserable delays.

The story was documented in the New York Times.

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