Thursday, January 25, 2024

A Dream About a Professional Meeting


From 2000 until I retired in 2017 I ran a special interest group for Science and Medical Librarians through the Metropolitan New York Library Council (METRO).  It was a great source of satisfaction for me as I held about 50 meetings and met many outstanding colleagues.  About a year before I retired I met with JC of CUNY for him to continue to run the group.  About two years later, I found out the group folded.  I am speculating that JC was frustrated since there were poor turnouts for the meetings he held.  I  was disappointed since I hoped that this METRO group would be my legacy to the profession.

Last night I had a dream where as I retiree I held a meeting trying to resurrect this METRO group.  I encountered many people I knew years ago.  Someone abruptly interrupted my meeting saying that everyone had to leave.  I agreed to have another meeting.  As I walked out I encountered SA who was my research collaborator.  I asked her about her twin sons.  Then, I woke up.

I my mind has played many tricks on me through my dreams.

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