Thursday, January 4, 2024

What Will Bob Dylan Do in 2024?


According to this "announcement," the Rough and Rowdy Ways tour will continue into 2024.  In recent years the Neverending Tour takes a break in winter and resumes in the spring.  The uncertainty is where he will tour this year.

It is always very easy to spread rumors on the internet.  There is a rumor that he will release a new album this year.  On X, Dylan author Ray Padgett states there is a rumor the album will be titled Triplicate 2.  Could this mean more adult standards?

I am quoting from a website called MediaMass:

Has Bob Dylan been working on a new album? While representatives are keeping tight-lipped, reports have been circulating on the Internet. There have been strong rumors that the singer is finally returning to the recording studio working on a what might be a back-to-roots album.

Can back-to-roots mean acoustic folk?

All we can do is wait and see.

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