Wednesday, February 14, 2024

There was a Vote in Congress to Abolish the Electoral College in 1969

I have expressed my displeasure with the Electoral College in this journal and on X (formerly Twitter).  Should we have 1 election or 51 elections?  Why should a candidate with less popular votes win the election?  It would require a vote of 2/3 in the House and the Senate followed by ratification by 38 state legislature.  This would never happen in today's political climate. Until today, I was only aware of New York Times journalist Gail Collins speaking out against this dinosaur from our constitution.  I just wish that some Senators or Representatives would bash it.

I found out today from a History Channel website that in 1969 the House of Representatives by a wide margin voted to abolish it, but a filibuster in the Senate led by Southerners killed the bill.  Even if the Senate passed the resolution, 38 state legislatures must approve it.

I also found out about the book Let the People Pick the President: The Case for Abolishing the Electoral College written by Jesse Wegman, a member of the New York Times editorial board.  Back in 1968 80% of Americans felt the president should be elected by popular vote.  How many would want that today?


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