Saturday, May 11, 2024

My Ways of Keeping Active in Retirement


I never dreamed of an active retirement, I actually planned for it before I made the life transition in 2018. It is hard to believe that it is over six years.  I was always interested in baseball, so I thought I would take this and other interests to a higher level.  I joined the Society of American Baseball Research (SABR) and am now active in three endeavors:
  1. Editing a newsletter for the local Casey Stengel Chapter
  2. Indexing articles for the Baseball Index
  3. Coordinating the fact-checking for the Games Project
I also attend more ball games now than I did before I retired.

I am more active in my Bob Dylan pursuits.  I started an online chat group that meets monthly and have taken two trips to Tulsa for a conference and to visit the Bob Dylan Center.

I do a lot more recreational reading than I did in the past.  If you see me on a park bench I will be reading, not staring out aimlessly into space.

The still have those crazy dreams about returning to work.  I can do without that.

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